I wasn't planning on posting today, but upon reading about last night's plane crash outside of Buffalo (If you haven't heard, just go to any news website), I felt compelled to. My plan was to discuss the topic of fate/destiny utilizing a much more personal story, which I still intend on doing, so I'll try not to get into too much detail here. Before I write anything else, I just want to say that this was an extremely tragic event and I feel very sorry for those people who have lost family members or friends.
One of the biggest questions in life is if our destiny is set. I believe that it is, and given that, I believe that when its your time to go, its your time go. You can't change it. Now I didn't know anyone on that plane, but I'm sure there were all kinds of passengers - young and old, men and women, small kids, doctors, lawyers, businessmen. Most people were probably young, healthy, and at no risk of dying. That's why I believe it was their time to go - this plane was meant to go down and they weren't meant to survive. Why? I have no idea. I also have no idea why the passengers aboard the US Airways flight that went down in the Hudson River all lived. It's a funny thing how two planes going down (granted, the situations were completely different) can lead to completely opposite outcomes.
I don't want to get into any more detail on that now, but I do want to touch briefly on the miracles that happened here, which is also related to destiny.
Emergency coordinator David Bissonette was quoted as saying how remarkable it was that the plane only hit one house, and that it could have easily taken out so many more. Furthermore, 2 residents of the house that was hit managed to escape physically unharmed.
Now if you think like I think, those two facts would have jumped out at you before everything else. That's a miracle. We'll never know why it happened this way, but I'd like to believe that those 2, as well their neighbors, weren't destined to go today, and regardless of how close they came to death, they would have made it no matter what. It will happen when it's supposed to happen.
Obviously, this idea of "It's going to happen when it's supposed to happen" has really hit home for me, as I am living on the edge, so to speak. That's why having faith in this idea helps me stay at peace. I know that all I can do is fight hard and never give up, and if I'm meant to beat this, I will.
As I said, my intention was to discuss fate/destiny in connection with a personal story regarding my friends, and I still plan on doing so. Lastly, I know this is a sensitive subject and I don't want to offend or anger anyone by presenting my thoughts on it, so if you read this and you don't like it, let me know and I'll take it down.
A taste of hollywood
13 years ago
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